Macular Degeneration

The macula is located in the central retina and is the part of your eye responsible for crisp straight-ahead vision. In some people this tissue begins to deteriorate over time. This is what is meant by Age Related Macular Degeneration. Early symptoms of macular degeneration include mild blurred and distorted vision. These symptoms can progress to severe loss of vision. Macular Degeneration is generally divided into two classifications- “dry” and “wet”. In the dry form, waste deposits builds up in the macula and causes the tissue to become thin and fail to function properly. At this stage, treatment includes changes in diet and nutritional supplements. In the wet form, new blood vessels grow into the macula and rapidly cause vision loss. In this stage, treatment includes laser or injections to stop this blood vessel growth. In both forms close monitoring with your eye doctor is necessary to reduce the risk of progression to severe vision loss.