Eye Health Tips for Spring

With spring right around the corner, we are all excited to spend more time outside in the warm weather. Here are a few tips to help with clear, comfortable, and healthy vision.

First, quality sunglasses with UV protection are a must if you are going to be spending time in the sun. Not only do they block light that hurts your eyes and decreases your vision, but long term exposure to UV light can also lead to certain eye diseases. We have a great selection of sunglasses, and yes, we can put your glasses prescription in them!

Second, with the amount of pollen in the air increasing, seasonal allergies can be a problem. Allergy eye drops with anti-histamines can help red, itchy, watery eyes. These are available both prescription and over the counter. Contact lens wearers may especially have issues with eye allergies. In these cases, a daily replacement lens may be beneficial to decrease the buildup of pollen and other allergens on your contacts.

Third, spring break makes for a great time to schedule your eye exam. Annual check ups are important to make sure glasses are up to date and to perform a comprehensive eye health check. If you or your children are due for your exam, call us today!