Advanced Technology


Athens Eye Clinic now provides Diopsys Vision Testing. This painless, non-invasive vision test utilizes electrophysiological technology to determine how your eyes communicate with your brain. These results aid in the diagnosis and treatment planning of many vision disorders.

OCT Technology
The iVue is a high-definition optical coherence tomography (OCT) that can virtually dissect the retina, optic disc, and cornea. This helps detect pathology much earlier, which allows for more effective treatment. It can detect and monitor many diseases and conditions such as glaucoma, macular degeneration, vitreous detachments, and corneal dystrophies.

Optos ultra-widefield (UWF™) retinal imaging
Optos ultra-widefield (UWF™) retinal imaging (also known as an optomap image) enables eyecare professionals to discover, diagnose, document, and treat ocular pathology that may first present in the periphery—pathology which may go undetected using traditional examination techniques and equipment. An optomap is an image of the retina, the only place in the body where blood vessels can be seen directly. In addition to eye conditions, signs of other diseases (for example, stroke, heart disease, hypertension, and diabetes) may also be detected in the retina. Early signs of these conditions can show on the retina long before any visual or other symptoms are revealed. While eye exams generally include a look at the front of the eye to evaluate health and prescription changes, a thorough screening of the retina is critical to verify eye health. Optomap imaging is fast, safe, and effective and allows for easy imaging of both adults and children.

Automated Refractor and Keratometer
Our comprehensive eye examinations include computerized automated refraction utilizing a state-of-the-art instrument with rotary prisms yielding the most accurate automated testing to date. Then the doctors, using traditional vision testing with a phoropter, confirm the results. Proper determination of your prescription is both an art and a science.

The pachymeter is a device used to measure corneal thickness. The pachymeter is a crucial tool in the treatment and management of Glaucoma. It is also useful in patients desiring LASIK surgery and for corneal disease.

Automated Threshold Visual Fields
Testing one's visual field is an essential component in the efficient diagnosis and management of glaucoma. The instrument determines if the ocular disease has affected one's visual field, and if it has it allows the optometrist to determine the severity of the disease and to track its progression.

Tonopen and Goldmann Tonometry
These instruments are used to check intraocular pressure for Glaucoma and ocular hypertension.

Slit Lamp Photography
This instrument allows for the photo documentation of disorders and diseases of the anterior segment of the eye.

Electronic Health Records
This is the state-of-the-art medical record-keeping system used at Athens Eye Clinic. It allows for the more efficient storage of a patient's information thereby increasing the ease of accessing records and the tracking of eye diseases.

Remote Spectacle Tracing
This tool allows us to trace and electronically transmit, utilizing broadband technology, the exact three-dimensional spectacle data to our regional ophthalmic lab for the highest quality fabrication of eyeglasses and rapid production time.

Neurolenses are the first and only prescription lenses that add a contoured prism to bring the eyes into alignment. Contoured prisms have been shown in studies to relieve headaches, neck/shoulder pain, and eyestrain that many people experience when using digital devices, reading, or doing detail work. When the eyes aren’t in sync, the brain must do the work to compensate for the misalignment. The additional work puts stress on the trigeminal nerve – the largest nerve in the brain and the one responsible for the majority of head and neck sensations.

Lumenis Antares
Lumenis state-of-the-art corneal topographer with advanced tear-film analysis, lipid layer grading, infrared meibography, pupillography, and contact lenses fitting. The Lumenis Antares helps us diagnose and manage dry eye with real-time observations. Antares visualizes the oil glands in the eyelids, which play an important role in dry eye care. The Antares system provides detailed information about the corneal surface and tear film layers, helping us understand what’s causing your dry eye and design a personalized treatment plan.